Chest surgeons and clinics in Swizterland
Home » Chest surgeons and clinics in Swizterland

Chest surgery in Switzerland, Zurich, Geneva, Lausanne, Montreux, Lucerne, Basel

Chest surgery is concerned with diseases of the chest wall and organs located within the chest cage, with the exception of the heart and aorta. Generally this involves invasive procedures for (bronchial, mediastinal) tumours within the chest cage, but also diseases of the pleural tissue (chest lining) or lungs (emphysema). Laser surgery can also be used to treat constrictions of the airway due to tumours. In addition, the airway can be kept open with artificial devices.

Experienced cardiac, thoracic and vascular surgeons operate as a team and care for the patients personally in the intensive care unit and department. A broad operative spectrum is provided:

Open-heart coronary surgery
Heart valve reconstructions, heart valve replacements, multivalve procedures
Arrhythmia surgery (atrial fibrillation)
Congenital heart defects in adults
Pericardiac diseases: pulmonary vascular disease, pericardial diseases, pericardial effusion
Complications of a myocardial infarction: torn valves, aneurysms
Combined cardiac, valvular, vascular procedures
Heart operations without blood transfusion
Cardiac pacemaker implantations
Complete spectrum of cardiac surgery for adults as an initial procedure or reoperation
Lung and thoracic wall surgery as well as minimally invasive thoracic surgery
All aortic vessels, incl. aortic arch, abdominal aorta, pelvic vessels
Carotid surgery for imminent stroke
Vein surgery, varicose veins ailments
Vascular access for hemodialysis patients

Interested? Questions? Please contact us now.

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How may we help you better? Please send us your wish via e-mail or use the contact form below. 

Connect to WhatsApp: 0041 78 737 35 41

Call hours:
Monday-Friday: from 09:00 a.m. – 21:00 p.m.
Saturday: from 10:00 a.m. – 17:00 p.m.

MedicalTravel GmbH- Länggassstrasse 8- CH-3012 Berne-Switzerland

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