Anti-aging treatments in Switzerland, Zurich, Geneva, Lausanne, Montreux, Lucerne, Basel, Ticino
World-renowned for being at the forefront of medical treatment, Switzerland is also a leader in cosmetic rejuvenation. Swiss rejuvenation clinics offer a diverse range of expertise, with treatments including wrinkle decrease, facial lifting, laser treatment, IPL, Botox and cosmetic cell treatment. Whether you are looking for a rejuvenation day spa or a medical rejuvenation clinic, in Zurich, Geneva or elsewhere in Switzerland, we are certain you will find the information you need here. Contact us for assistance in planning your rejuvenation treatment in Switzerland.
Some of the favorite treatments for better aging are as below:
The biocheckup is a precocious diagnosis program focusing on the physiopathological imbalance associated with society illnesses. The precocious diagnosis of the metabolism imbalance at an early stage, before the appearance of an illness, pushes you to take adapted measures that can have a reversible effect on the development of the illness.
The genetic heritage, different for every patient, influences on the long term the general state of health. However, the expression of the genes can be modified, and thus the risks of the illness can be decreased thanks to an optimized environment (physical and social activity, nutrition etc.). This approach decreases also the risk of a big amount of degenerative illnesses linked to aging.
Heavy metal toxicity is a very general subject and people experience widely varying symptoms in response to heavy metal poisoning.
Chelation therapy is one of several effective treatments for lead poisoning, poisoning by some other toxic metals, and iron overload due to blood disorders and/or multiple blood transfusions.
The human body cannot excrete some metals, which can build up to toxic levels and interfere with normal functioning. Chelation therapy lowers the blood levels of metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, and zinc by attaching to them, which helps remove them through urination. In the process of chelation, a larger protein molecule surrounds or encloses a mineral atom. The purpose of chelation is to increase the flow of blood to the vital organs and tissues of the body by reducing calcium deposits in the arteries and blood vessels.
When administered by a properly-trained physician and given in conjunction with lifestyle and dietary changes incorporating specialized nutritional supplements, the procedure is an option to be seriously considered by any person suffering from coronary artery disease, cerebral vascular disease, brain disorders resulting from circulatory disturbances, generalized atherosclerosis and related ailments which lead to senility and accelerated physical decline. Chelation reduces the likelihood of complications from Type II plaque, the kind involved in most cardiovascular events, and improves circulation.
Chelation benefits every blood vessel in the body, from the largest artery to the tiniest capillaries and arterioles, most of which are far too small for surgical treatment or are deep within the brain or other vital organs where they cannot be safely reached by surgery. In many patients, the smallest blood vessels are the most severely diseased. The benefits of chelation occur from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet, not just in short segments of a few large arteries which can be bypassed or opened by other invasive treatments.
Revitalization programs
Our revitalization therapies require a 3 to 7 days residence depending upon the choice of procedure.
Photorejuvenation with an Intense Pulse Light device (IPL) gives the face a certain brightness. The IPL device emits a light which, by effect of heat, destroys superficial skin cells and, through an inflammatory process, stimulates the deepest cells to produce new collagen and elastic fibers, which will result in improving skin hydration, skin elasticity, and therefore general appearance.
Mesotherapy consists of multiple injections of small quantities of active molecules, vitamins, trace elements, and purified plant extracts by using a very fine needle. These micro-injections exert a local reaction caused by the penetration of the needle, although very superficial, and give rise to vasodilatation. We also obtain another beneficial local effect depending on the composition of the mixture used. Both reactions induce a lifting effect.
Excessive sweating:
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Call hours:
Monday-Friday: from 09:00 a.m. – 21:00 p.m.
Saturday: from 10:00 a.m. – 17:00 p.m.
MedicalTravel GmbH- Länggassstrasse 8- CH-3012 Berne-Switzerland