MedicalTravel GmbH
Länggassstrasse 8
3012 Bern CH
Phone: +41 (0) 33 534 57 65
Purpose of this web project
Inform about the medical treatments and organize medical trips for patients who want to be treated in medical and organizational quality in Switzerland.
Trade registration of the canton of Berne; Company number: CH-
The information on this website does not claim to be complete, up-to-date, quality and correct. No responsibility is assumed for damages caused by the trust in the contents of the Internet pages or their use. Copying in of published content is granted for non-commercial use only.
The medical information on this website must not be regarded as a replacement for advice and/or treatment by certified physicians, nor may independent diagnoses be made or treatments initiated or discontinued on the basis of the information. Through the use of our website, you declare that you consent to the expanded conditions of use for our website.
Terms and Conditions (GTC)
Disclaimer for links and content
If you suspect that one of your IP rights is infringed by this site, please notify us immediately by e-mail to Opens window for sending email info (at) We would be glad to change or delete the corresponding content after a short note without cost note. The elimination of an infringement of the intellectual property right by the copyright owner himself may not take place without consent. It is ensured that the passages, which are rightly criticized, are immediately removed, without the intervention of a legal adviser being required by you. Nevertheless, costs incurred by you without prior contact will be fully rejected and, if necessary, brought forward a complaint concerning infringement of the aforementioned provisions.
Data protection
E-mails, which are sent via this homepage, are not encrypted and third parties could possibly view the information.
All personal information, e.g. via the contact form, are strictly confidential and will not be passed on to third parties.
Advertising, information, financing
We do without advertising third. The pages are funded and supervised by MedicalTravel GmbH.
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Contact Us Now
How may we help you better? Please send us your wish via e-mail or use the contact form below.
Call hours:
Monday-Friday: from 09:00 a.m. – 21:00 p.m.
Saturday: from 10:00 a.m. – 17:00 p.m.
MedicalTravel GmbH- Länggassstrasse 8- CH-3012 Berne-Switzerland